
Monday, January 3, 2011

Stuffed Pumpkins... oh yes!

Angela's after-dinner statement pretty much said it all, "I wish we had more pumpkins!"

In the fall, Angela and I heard an NPR piece talking about stuffed pumpkins. It seemed like a strange yet delicious idea - cheese, bacon, and other goodies baked inside a pumpkin? The idea sat on our culinary back burner, and our decorative pumpkins sat on the mantle. Looking quite strange during Christmas and then downright out of place in January, they were plucked from the mantle and carted off to the kitchen.

The process was simple and yields an astoundingly tasty dinner: Carve the tops off of a pumpkin, clean out the guts, pack with stuffing, and bake for 2 hours at 350 degrees. For the full recipe check out this NPR article  - Sweet or Savory: Stuff, Bake and Devour a Pumpkin.

from Dorie Greenspan's Around My French Table

Carve out top

remove innards

season inside and stuff with goodies

add mixture




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