
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Houston Cross-Cultural Eating Spree

Angela and I visited friends in Houston on the weekend of September 5th, 2010. In our time there, we sampled three very different Houston's eateries. 

Before touring the Museum of Fine Arts, we stopped in at the Black Labrador for fish and chips followed by a swill of 12-year-old Zhoghland, Dalmore Single Malt Scotch. Excellent!

Fish and Chips

12-year-old Zhoghland, Dalmore Single Malt Scotch

On our way out of the city, we stopped for breakfast tacos at, Taqueria Los Comales Taco Truck. The gentleman behind the sliding glass door of the truck happily explained how he came from Vera Cruz, where you can find a different style taco in each neighborhood - probably much like our po-boy situation in New Orleans. 

Taqueria Los Comales Taco Truck

Breakfast Tacos

Also on our way out, we sampled the Eastern European side of Houston (who knew?) at the Kolache Factory. Kolache are pastries stuffed with sweet or savory fillings. We sampled Jalapeno, Potato and Egg, Ham, and several others whose names now escape me. We also sampled two sweet Kolache.


Kolache Cross-Section

Sweet Kolache

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